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Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting January 26, 2008- 6:30 PM

Members Present: Layne Lescault, Cindy McIntyre, Maureen Birden, Matthew Hastava, Jim Solomon, Ron Pekrul, Len Penna (NPD), Jim Whitley

Members Not Present: Rosalie Newman, Tom Murtha, Diane Savinelli, Shay Carmichael

Staff Members Present: Beth Agen, Joan Bird

Guest(s) Present: Rich Fenaroli

1)      Meeting in the conference room at NYFS, 17 Church Hill Road, Newtown, was called to order at 6:40 pm by Layne Lescault
a)      Roll call was conducted via sign-in and a quorum was established.
b)      Approval of November 2008 Minutes
Discussion regarding the line of credit in November minutes. This item was voted on and approved at the November board meeting. Motion to amend the November minutes to reflect that the board approved the acquisition of a $50,000 line of credit at Newtown Savings bank at the November meeting. Moved: Matt Hastava; Seconded: Ron Pekrul; Passed: Unanimously.

Motion to pass November minutes as amended: Moved: Ron Pekrul; Seconded: Matt Hastava; Passed: Unanimously.

2)      Chairman’s Report
Ms. Lescault met with NESC (National Executive Service Corps) on November 22, 2008 regarding the board restructuring issues, priorities and work plan. She distributed an email from the NESC to all board members and asked that they review it over the next month and provide her with feedback on how to proceed.

Arlene Spoonfeather resigned from the board effective immediately due to her commitments at Newtown Middle School. If anyone has suggestions for new board members specifically individuals with strategic planning experience, please let Layne know.

3)      Executive Director’s Report
Ms. Agen distributed a document entitled “Executive Director’s Report.” The number of clients served in both locations is up over the previous year. 17.68% clinical sessions and more than 4,828 program and activity participants. For ½ a year this is already more than the full year 2007-2008. The number of uninsured sessions is up 118% over last year. Ms. Agen stated that the unfortunate economic situation has us serving a much larger population with less income. The State of Connecticut will be cutting YSB funding across the board 18-36% which will negatively impact our annual budget $5-10,000.

NYFS is hosting a True Colors workshop on Thursday, Jan. 29th at 12:30 pm. True Colors is the sexual minority youth and family services of Connecticut.

If board members want to only receive NYFS documents via email, they should acknowledge email receipt and advise staff not to print copies for them.

4)      Reports of Committees
a)      Executive/Governance – Did not meet.
b)      Finance - Finance and Treasurers report distributed. Shows loss of $55,095 for the first six months. Budgeted loss of zero-based annual budget was $15,347. Still ahead of year-ago loss of $82,771. Cuts have been made to staff positions and all salaries frozen to address deficit. Behavioral Health income down due to larger number of uninsured clients.
c)      Development and Fundraising – Will have report for February meeting.
d)      Long-Range Planning – Did not meet.
e)      Audit and Quality Improvement – Tom Murtha not here. Audit is underway. Will be completed by February 15th.
f)      Facilities – Did not meet.

5)      Unfinished Business – None Discussed

6)      New Business
a)      Three new policies and one amended policy submitted for review: Fundraising Practices Policy (New), Code of Ethics Policy (New), Accident & Incident Policy (Update), Performance and Quality Improvement Policy (New). Policies were adapted as part of the accreditation policy to be in compliance with the COA Standards v. 8.
Motion by Ron Pekrul to accept all four policies as presented. Seconded by Jim Whitley. Approved unanimously.

7)      Adjournment
Motion to adjourn by Ron Pekrul. Seconded by Matt Hastava. Approved unanimously.

Meeting Adjourned 7:45 pm